Life science has become an increasingly quantitative discipline
relaying on high-throughput methods for collecting
genetic information. These methods are collectively named the next-generation
sequencing technologies and their "trademark" is vast quantities of generated
information. As such they require a specific set of skills in order to be analysed and
interpreted properly.
The aim of this course series is to fill the information gap between bench scientists, medical professionals
and data they work with. To provide an overview of strategies, methods and best-practice guides
for quick and professional analyses.
The courses are limited to 15 participants and will be filled on a first-come
first-serve basis, so we suggest to register early and secure your place
at one or both courses. Participants who register for both courses get a
discounted price: -10% and an additional
-5% for any registration made before the 15th of November, 2017.
Statistics & R
2 days
The course will provide participants with the essential statistical methods used in life sciences
and medicine based upon, but not limited to R analytical framework
Day 1 (11.12.2017) |
Day 2 (12.12.2017) |
✗ R - statistical framework |
✗ Statistical inference and distribution analsis (Shapiro-Wilks, Cullen-Fray, QQ, PP, Bootstrap) |
✗ R - reading and manipulating datasets |
✗ Statistical tests (parametric:t-test, Anova,etc. non-parametric:U-Test,H-Test,etc.) |
✗ R - exploratory and descriptive statistics |
✗ Data modeling and regression analysis |
✗ R - ggplot elementaries |
✗ PCA analysis |
Bioinformatics & Next generation sequencing analysis
3 days
The course will provide participants with the hands-on approach to analysing
high-throughput genomic data, starting with the initiall instrument output (DNA or RNA
sequence) to relevant biological and medical knowledge.
Day 1 (13.12.2017) | Day 2 (14.12.2017) | Day 3 (15.12.2017) |
✗ Unix Command Line |
✗ Whole exome seq. & RNA-seq |
✗ Differential expression analysis |
✗ Linux pipelines |
✗ Genome assembly & ChIP-seq |
✗ Variant calling, Peak calling, Motif finding |
✗ Introduction to next generation sequencing |
✗ Expression estimation |
✗ Data visualization with IGV |
✗ Read quality report, trimming, filtering, mapping, |
✗ Normalization strategies |
✗ Data preparation for Genome Browser |
Our team consists of highly skilled teachers, bioinformatic and computational biology experts